MSA offers a profound applicant support, which reaches from an accurate career planning by the MSA study advisers, to the accompaniment of the student on the first day at the university abroad! Since many years, MSA has very successful cooperations within different areas. One of these is a partnership with a renowned College in Alicante, Spain. The college offers the Intensive Course “Pre-Medical”, in which our MSA applicants prepare for their admission exams excellently. Through cooperations like these, the applicants cannot only profit from the advantages MSA offers, but also from its cooperation partners, which offer additionally complementing services that are closely geared to the needs of MSA applicants.

In the following, we will explain you, how trouble-free the way to medical studies abroad can be with the help of MSA in five easy steps:

1. Requesting Information

With the help of the free MSA information package, you can make yourself familiar with the different universities MSA offers. Self-evidently, the whole MSA study guidance team is there for your queries before, during and after the examination of the information material.

2. Getting Personal Consulting

The biggest MSA endeavor is to offer specialized and professional course guidance to every individual applicant. The basis of MSA is a strong, internationally connected study guidance team with extensive experience and a lot of insider knowledge. By this, the team can give targeted recommendations for each applicant.

3. Applying at our Partner Universities

If you leave your application in the hands of MSA, you do not need to bother about anything else, because the guidance team will initiate everything necessary for you. They will give you a step-by-step guide and tell you, which documents will be required for the application. The MSA study advisers exactly know the admission requirements of the universities and will actively support you to compile the application documents. Thereby, they secure that your application at the respective university is fulfilling all requirements and will therefore be considered during the selection process.

4. Taking Admission Exams

Most of the admission processes of our partner universities involve an admission exam, which examines the study-related preclinical subjects like biology, chemistry and physics. Through the long-standing experience within this branch, MSA offers carefully assembled learning material, which will help to prepare for admission exams and to give candidates a maximal chance of success. Thanks to the excellent relationships to the universities and their lecturers and professors, MSA is able offer the respective admission exams in Germany and some other countries. For applicants, who want to prepare more intensively for the admission exams, MSA offers – in cooperation with a partner academy: the Iberian College International – a so called Intensive Course “Pre-Med”. If you pass the exam, you will most likely get a place offered by the university!

5. Getting Admitted to Studies

When you have received one or several acceptance letters, you have reached your goal! The great advantage of MSA partner universities is that acceptance letters will reach you very early. In most countries you will get them only a few weeks before studies start. The international MSA partner universities are already sending out their acceptance letters some month before the start of the new semester! This will lift a great burden from your shoulders, because if you did not get accepted in your home country until that time, you have a secure alternative from early on.

Additional Support after Admission

The study guidance team will still help you with all questions after getting admitted. They can support you with the decision making, if you have received several acceptance letters. Beyond that, they will also help you with the apartment search, to make contact with other applicants studying at your future university and they will accompany you during your orientation week at university. Beyond that, MSA organizes different leisure activities within the first week, so that all applicants get to chance to get to know each other. Therefore, with MSA you will have an experiences advisor, which you can appeal to at all times!

Did we arouse your interest for studying medicine abroad? We will be happy if you make contact with us in order to get free and non-binding information!


    Pavol Jozef Šafárik University

    Studiengänge: Medizin, Zahnmedizin

    Ort: Košice, Slowakei

    Sprache: Englisch

    • Die Universität ist eine der renommiertesten Unis des ganzen Landes und erfreut sich dieser Reputation nicht nur in der Slowakei, sondern weltweit.
    • Die UPJS bietet eine ganzheitliche Ausbildung an, die dazu befähigt nach dem Abschluss eine internationale Medizinerkarriere zu starten, da der Abschluss u.a. in Deutschland anerkannt wird.
    • Košice ist eine sehr facettenreiche Stadt, die besonders für junge Leute einiges anzubieten hat. Man findet alles nötige vor Ort, und an Freizeitangeboten mangelt es ebenfalls nicht.
    • Einer der wesentlichen Vorteile des Studiums in Košice besteht in den äußerst günstigen Lebenshaltungskosten in der Slowakei.