Many Acceptance Letters for the Masaryk University in Brno

Acceptance Letters for the Masaryk UniversityRecently, many acceptance letters of our partner universities have reached us. As expected, many of our students got accepted at their desired university – due to successfully mastered admission exams! Exceptionally good results have reached us from Brno in the Czech Republic, from where our applicants got many acceptance letters for the Masaryk University.

All in all, 16 applicants got acceptance letters for the Masaryk University for medicine or dentistry! Therefore, we can congratulate almost all applicants on their acceptance at the Masaryk University!

You have missed the chance to apply for the Masaryk University in the Czech Republic? No problem! Currently, you can still sign up for the upcoming fall semester at the following universities, if it did not work out to get a university place in your home country:


With admission exam:

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University

Application deadline: August 18th

Admission exam: August 18th, Hannover (Germany)


Medical University Varna

Application deadline: August 25th

Admission exam: August 26th, Hannover (Germany)


Humanitas University

Application deadline: September 7th

Admission exam: September 8th, Frankfurt a.M. (Germany)


Without admission exam:

Medical University Bialystok

European University Cyprus

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