Applicants for Medicine, attention! Introduction of MU Pleven

What can the Medical University Pleven (MU Pleven) offer you and why should you register to study Medicine at this medical faculty?


The MU Pleven is now considered as one of the most popular MSA Universities among our candidates. This is in part thanks to the positive experience reports of the MSA students for the summer semester 2013, who began their studies this year at this Bulgarian University, but also thanks to the growing reputation of the University, which has brought increasing numbers of applicants into the English language Medicine programmes.

The MU Pleven offers many study advantages, among which we would like to highlight the following:

  • Small study groups – Every lecturer normally has between 10 and 15 students (sometimes even smaller classes). Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a learning system whereby the students have to look for the solution to a given problem as independently as possible. The following descriptions are related to the use in medical training, where PBL has proved to be very popular, both among the students and the lecturers. It is widely applicable to other fields of education.  That means self-direction and discovery while learning, activity-oriented lectures, interdisciplinary learning and self-assessment. Here, the students learn to analyse a subject or a question, find and use appropriate information sources and reach, compare and choose solutions.
    For more on this, see also: PBL in Germany
  • Modern student atmosphere – The MU Pleven and its subordinate Faculties have modern equipment and are praxis-oriented.
  • With student fees of 7000 € yearly, the MU Pleven is considered a very economical University in terms of value for money.  This is also applicable to the living costs in Pleven.
  • Pleven is a student city with charm. Approx. 120000 people live in Pleven. The city offers many cafés, restaurants and monuments.

Get your own picture of the MU Pleven. Apply now for a degree in Medicine in the summer semester 2014.



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