The blocks system is already in use in the 5th year of the Medicine studies

semmelweis3Since the beginning of the academic year 2015/2016, the blocks system is in use in the 5 5th year of the Medicine studies at the University of Semmelweis. In order to discuss this change, the Students Association of the University of Medicine organized one forum that took place recently. There were many faculty members who attended this forum to give their opinion, including the Dean Dr. László Hunyady and the Vicedeans.

The goal which motivated the implementation of this new system, in force since last autumn, is allowing the students to have their practical lessons in blocks of one or two weeks of duration. With this change, the amount of time that the students have to spend when going from one department to another are considerably reduced.

The University´s aim with the forum’s organization was to listen to the criticism that the students made regarding the new system, as well as to their suggestions of how this change could be improved because “our goal is that the practical education is even better, thanks to the changes that are being made, regarding both the methods that are being used and the contents. Until now, the new system is having positive results and we are trying to solve as soon as possible all the problems that we have been encountering”, states Dr. László Hunyady.

semmelweis1Other of the main goals of the university nowadays is to improve the labs’ equipment, which is used during the practical lessons. For this purpose, the university is investing a lot in new educational resources, such as a new device to perform catheters that has been given to the Urology Department. Another department which has benefited a lot from the last investments has been the Department of Surgery. Apart from that, the university would also like to reduce even more the number of students per class, although the groups are already small, and to introduce a new electronic system of feedback.

With the new system in force and with use of the “skills list” (where the skills and competences that the students must acquire during the practical lessons are established) the Medicine program is becoming more and more standardized.

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