Student Life in Jelgava
Student Life in Jelgava
The student life in Jelgava, Latvia, is very lively and can be organized really diversified! Hit the road with your fellow students and enjoy the numerous leisure opportunities together.
As you can see in the following, there is a lot waiting to be discovered. You should not miss the interesting student life in Jelgava on any account. That way, you will also get to know your fellow students and your new friends better.
The official language in Latvia is Latvian. Nevertheless, you can get along with English, in Jelgava, in daily life very well. Many inhabitants speak English, so that there should not be any language barriers, until you have mastered the basics of the local language. The degree program will take place in English, so that there will be no communication problems.
Mobility in Jelgava is no problem! The university is located at the edge of the city center, so that you can cover many distances by foot or by bike. Otherwise, you can take the well built out public transport with buses and minibuses (ticket approx. 1€). In order to get to the 40 kilometers distant Riga, you can use a direct train connection which is operating every hour and very cheap (approx. 2€).
For those students, who do not like to stay in the dormitory of the university (dormitory No. 8), there is of course also the possibility to rent their own apartment or a room in the city center or in other parts of Jelgava. We and the university will be glad to help you with the apartment search and maybe we can also find roommates, among our other applicants for this university, for you.
Sports & Recreation
The university offers all students many different possibilities, in order to do sports. It has two sports halls, a sports ground, a swimming pool, course rooms of aerobics and marital arts, a gym and a center for equestrian sports. Beyond that, there are many sports courses you can participate in: basketball, volleyball, table tennis, athletics, Greek-Roman wrestling, judo, aerobics, orienteering, soccer, weightlifting, badminton and horse-riding. Additionally, different sports events are taking place every year.
Going Out/Free Time
As a student city, Jelgava provides a great range of offers in various fields. Besides many different restaurants and also an abundance of bars, the city has trendy clubs, cinemas and shopping malls. Therefore, there are no boundaries to your leisure activities, so that you can enjoy the spare time besides your studies to the fullest.