Faculty of Medicine
The faculty of medicine has the longest history of all faculties of the Medical University in Białystok. It has been established in 1950, at the same time like the doctor’s academy. In the course of years, many different study courses of medicine were added, e.g. the faculty of health sciences, which is an independent faculty today. The English program of medical studies at the university started in 2004.
Within the last years, the university, and especially the medical faculty, have enormously advanced, e.g. in the field of research, classes and training. The departments and the clinics of the faculty have most notably grown. All in all, there are 26 medical departments. This happened not least because of the great international cooperation, which the medical faculty has in the field of research, science and training.
Within the studies, you can collect 60 ECTS per academic year, all in all thus 360 ECTS in the 6 years. At the end you will get the degree Ph.D (doctor), with which you can officially practice as a doctor – also internationally.
Currently, the University Hospital of Białystok is being refurbished and modernized. The renovation should be completed in 2016, so that you can then receive medical training in the newly arranged clinic, where you can gather your first practical experiences.
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