MSA admission tests – Marathon Weekend at the MHH in Hannover

It was not easy, but it was very exciting -and, in the end, successful- weekend for the participants and future students at the MSA admission tests in Hannover. Last week (21 – 23.06.2013) the admission tests were held for the Masaryk University Brünn, the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and the Pavol Jozef Safarik University at the Medical School in Hannover.


Admission test 23.06.2013 – Masaryk University (Brno)

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Admission test 22.06.2013 – Lithuanian University of Health Sciences


Admission test 21.06.2013 – Pavol Jozef Safarik University (Kosice)

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We congratulate the new students and thank you for an exciting and successful weekend!

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