New accommodation possibilities for students at the MU Pleven in Bulgaria

Given the increasing number of German students at the MU Pleven in Bulgaria, MSA will offer from February 2014 our own accommodation possibilities, especially arranged for MSA students. It will be a residential building, located approximately 10 to 15 minutes in walking distance from the University campus.

It is possible to rent to one person, two, or three. The living quarters and rooms are completely furnished and have been renovated.

MSA Germany represents MU Pleven as one of the most renowned universities in Bulgaria. Since 2006, the University has offered the degree of Medicine in English.

Would you also like to study at the MU Pleven and need more Information?

If so, do not hesitate to contact a MSA student advisor.

Would you like to study in the MU Pleven and need more information?

Then, contact a MSA adviser.


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