Would you like to start your Degree in Medicine and Odontology in a foreign country and you do not know how to finance your studies? From now on MSA offers you the unique opportunity to start your degree at the MU Pleven or the MU Varna without having to worry about your study fees. All your study fees will be financed with the cooperation of Raiffeisenbank of Bulgaria.
Aim of the Financial Support
The Republic of Bulgaria supports international students from EU states and members of the European Economic Area (EEA) by granting tuition fee loans. These tuition fee loans serve the purpose of financing the tuition fees in the Bulgarian state universities.
Target Group
The international students of the EU states (for example Germany) and students of the European Economic Area who study in Bulgaria are entitled to apply. The borrowers must be full-time students or PhD students and must not be older than 35.
What is supported?
Financial support covers higher education tuition fees at Bulgarian state universities (MU Pleven, MU Varna) for a first degree. The Bulgarian Study Contribution Loan covers the amount of one semester tuition fee, and it is paid each semester for the duration of the studies, up to a maximum of the standard study time plus 4 extra semesters. The loan payments are charged with an interest rate of 7% p.a. since the moment of payment and are postponed until you come into repayment. The Bulgarian Study Contribution Loan is charged with a fixed interest rate. The repayment phase will begin, at the latest, after having finished your studies, from the 8th year. If necessary, the 7th year will be considered exempt. There is a maximum of 10 years to repay your student loan.
How do you apply?
The application form is filed directly with the participating banking institutions after having received a study place at the MU Pleven or MU Varna. In this case, MSA cooperates with Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria. The processing of an application usually takes five working days. Your MSA student advisor has more information on the application process and the banking institutions that cooperate with us.
Are you interested in studying a degree at a Bulgarian university?
Do you want to know more about the Study Contribution Loan for Medicine or Odontology students in Bulgaria?
If so, do not hesitate to contact a MSA student advisor.