Faculty of Dentistry

Official qualification: Dentistry
Duration: 5 years
Suitable to: Those students who would like to work in dental clinics and offer high-quality services to their patients.
Languages: English
Location: Murcia

UCAM MSAThe first year of your studies will serve as an introduction to the basics of dentistry. During this time, students are taught the elementary knowledge of the human body. The main focus is on anatomy and physiology, (micro-)biology, biostatistics and public health. At the same time, however, students already start with the subjects English for dentistry and oral anatomy in order to gain insight into the dental context from the first semester on.

From the second year onwards, teaching increasingly focuses on dental and medical contents as well as on the development of clinical expertise. In this way, students learn early on to apply their knowledge from the preclinical subjects in the context of clinical issues.

In the following years of study, dental expertise will be concretized in an application-oriented manner. The course spectrum includes, for example, orthodontics, dental prosthetics, periodontology or dental pathology and therapy, legal and forensic medicine, pharmacology, anesthesia and emergency medicine and medical-surgical pathology.

Courses such as pediatric and geriatric dentistry, dentistry for special patients, management and planning of dental practices, dental emergencies and dental traumatology complete the wide range of subjects offered.

In order to practice the acquired competences and practical skills completely and with care in detail, four medical practice units must be completed in the last year of study, two each in an adult and in a children’s clinic.

In addition, innovative elective courses are offered, such as dentistry and dietetics or dentistry and sports, from which students must take one in the third semester. The course of study is concluded with a final project.

Due to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) that applies at UCAM, comparability and recognition is possible at all European universities that are part of the Bologna Process.