General Information – Universidad Cardenal Herrera

Aufnahmeprüfung für ein Studium der Humanmedizin an der CEU Valencia
Degrees: Medicine, Odontology, Veterinary, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Pharmacy
Place: Valencia, Spanien
Language: English
Application Procedure: Admission test
Recognition: EU-wide recognition – also in Germany


Medicine in English: The Universidad Cardenal Herrera (CEU) is the only university in Spain which offers the degree in Medicine in English. The Medicine degree at the CEU is designed after an innovative study programme, where the student plays an active, leading role. Students will receive an internationally-oriented education of the highest quality. In the modern facilities of the campus, the contents are adapted to the specific needs of the students. The staff is composed by professionals in their fields of expertise. Thanks to the experience they bring, students will develop a broad knowledge base and learn how to improve their patients’ quality of life. Among others, they will be taught ethical values, responsibility and professional competence. The studies at the CEU are in English. The complete degree lasts for 6 years.

Odontology: During the Odontology studies at the CEU, students first acquire general knowledge about biochemical, physiological and pathological processes. In later stages they will be taught anatomic principles which they have to apply during the clinical phase. Practical experience comes not only from the lab, but also from the work in clinics. At the dental clinics, students can benefit from good equipment and access to state-of-the-art technology. The University emphasises the importance of small groups also in this degree in order to achieve greater teaching efficacy. Students are personally tutored by the staff. The studies last for 5 years.

Veterinary Medicine: The students of Veterinary Medicine at the CEU Valencia have access to veterinary clinics from the first day. This way, practical cases are directly included in the teaching methodology. The degree excels thanks to an innovative teaching programme which combines academic learning with the acquisition of professional skills. Students learn, among other things, the principles underlying the clinical pictures of animal disease and its diagnosis, as well as questions about hygiene, farming techniques and proper nutrition. The degree lasts 5 years and it is taught in English.

Physiotherapy: Physiotherapie ist nicht nur Hilfe zur Rehabilitation, sondern Prävention und Diagnose sowie Heilung. Das Studium der Physiotherapie an der CEU Valencia ermöglicht den Studenten bereits vor Ende des Studiums Patienten sicher und selbstbewusst zu behandeln. Dies wird durch eine klinische Phase während des letzten Jahres des Studiums und durch ein physiotherapeutisches Praktikum gewährleistet. Mehr als die Hälfte der Lehrkräfte sind zusätzlich auch aktiv als Physiotherapeuten tätig, sodass die Studenten innerhalb des Studiums einen hohen Bezug zum ausgeübten Beruf entwickeln.

Nursing: A degree in the field of Nursery allows students to enter a highly professional environment, where they will learn everything in the area of health, prevention, counselling and patient support, as well as the application of the prescribed rehabilitation programmes. This degree consists mostly in practical training.

The studies last for 4 years.

Pharmacy: The degree in Pharmacy will pass on competencies in management too. However, the degree is strongly oriented to patient care. The students are not only taught essential knowledge about pharmacy, but also ethical values, competences and responsibility. At the CEU Valencia practical training is particularly well integrated, as students can interact with patients in a simulated pharmacy located in the University itself. The studies last for 5 years.


The CEU is located in Valencia, in the town of Moncada, at the Alfara del Patriarca campus. Valencia is third largest city in Spain, with about 800,000 inhabitants. It is located in eastern Spain, directly on the western coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Its renowned universities, its proximity to the sea and the diverse entertainment offer make Valencia a popular city for international students. Valencia has a well-designed urban transport system. Its motorways lead to central Spanish cities. It is possible to fly easily and comfortably to different European towns from the international airport.

Application procedure:

The matriculation in the degree in Medicine at the Universidad Cardenal Harrera (CEU) is possible after passing a written aptitude test with multiple-choice questions from the fields of Biology and Chemistry. MSA will provide its candidates with all necessary learning material to prepare the test thoroughly. With this, the test will be easy to pass. At the end there will be a short interview which is usually very general. During the interview, the results of the test will be communicated to the candidates.